On the 11th of November, the first Placemaking Forum “Public Space and Urban Heat” took place within the framework of our JPI Urban Europe project “PlaceCity Floridsdorf”. Two short films („The Flying Gardners“, Giacomo and Matteo Grimaldi and “When a Town Runs Dry”, Joris Debeij) were shown, in cooperation with Movies in Wonderland, followed by an open discussion with experts and the audience. Claudia Schrenk (MB-BD, competence center for green and environmental infrastructure), Jürgen Preiss (MA 22, Urban Heat Islands Strategy) and Doris Schnepf (Green4Cities, Tröpferlbad 2.0) therefore discussed the topic of urban heat and how to adopt our city to climate change on different scales. Methods of the city of Vienna that promote green and blue infrastructure were discussed and projects that have already been implemented were presented.
The next forum “Placemaking Pils” will take place on Wednesday, November 27th at 7 pm at the Creative Cluster / Projektraum Schlingermarkt. Placemakers and “enablers” from Vienna will present their projects at this forum. Afterwards, there will also be the opportunity to have a chat over a beer. Come and join us!
More information about the event and the project can be found on Facebook and on the Placemaking Europe Website