PlaceCity Forum #2: Placemaking Pils
On the 27th of November, the second Placemaking Forum „Placemaking Pils“ took place within the framework of our JPI Urban Europe project „PlaceCity Floridsdorf“. The following placemakers and „enablers“ from Vienna shared their projects, experiences and ideas:
Karim El-Seroui (Creative Cluster)
Brigitte Vettori & Corinna Wachtberger (space and place)
Eugene Quinn (space and place)
Cosima Terrasse (Stille Post)
Kollektiv Raumstation (Verkehrsinselresort Wien)
Barbara Slotta (#kommraus: Forum Öffentlicher Raum)
Anna Grube (Grätzloase)
Johanna Steinhäusler & Philipp Schwarz (FLODO)
Jan Gartner (Raumpioniere)
Afterwards, there was the opportunity to have a chat over a beer.
The next forum „Local economies“ will take place on Wednesday, January 15th at 7 pm at the Creative Cluster / Projektraum Schlingermarkt. Come and join us!
More information about the event and the project can be found on Facebook and on the Placemaking Europe Website