JUNE 02, 2023 | 16:00 – 19:00
Every street is interesting, if you hear the stories and meet the people. Roland and Eugene, from SuperWien and Whoosh, will show you this on a tour of their Graetzl.
Zirkusgasse is not a well-known street, but it has so much to offer. We will make a sociological, historical, political, artistic and playful walk along a not-so-long and not-so-boring part of Leopoldstadt.
Why is it called Zirkusgasse? Who lives here? Why did we send our kids to schools on the street? What does it mean to live in Jewish Vienna, in hipster Wien, in a district with so many sex shops? Who lives here? Why is the street completely grey-coloured?
Since we are both urbanists, we look at architecture, placemaking, parklets, ecology, and people. How could the street be improved? A better Bezirksvorsteher would be one of Eugene’s first wishes. And Renz was once the coolest place to hang out in our city, so we explore what it meant, and where it went.
Also: Why do we need to urgently change the name of the Second District? How is the latest redevelopment of Praterstern going? Why is Prater Strasse not being updated, despite all the proposals? Why was the first ever pop-up cycle lane here?